Effective Tips To Increase Traffic To Your Blog
In the past, blogging was a purely personal venture. It was something that we would engage with for the fun of it - a hobby of sorts. Our blogs provided us with spaces where we could share our thoughts, give insight into our areas of knowledge, and post whatever we pleased to an audience that would largely consist of family and friends. But nowadays, blogging can easily be a professional venture.
Related: Catchy Blog Titles That Get The Most Clicks
Setting up your own blog and having an extended and consistent readership can generate a sufficient income to live off - and, as you can imagine, this can be a greatly fulfilling, flexible, and enjoyable type of freelance work for anyone! You get to be your own boss. You get to choose your own content and style. You get to choose your working hours. You can work from home. You can also wave goodbye to uncomfortable set work uniforms! Sounds great, right?
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
If you’re going to blog and begin making a living odd of it, then you’ll be greatly dependent on maintaining a readership in order to earn money. Bloggers are paid by companies who want to advertise on their page - either in the form of sponsored posts, positive reviews, or ads being displayed in top banners, side banners, or banners between posts. They want as many people as possible to see these in order to get their money’s worth.
This is all very important and achievable with hard work & dedication!
This also leads you to question, how do I get traffic to my blog? So, I created a quick snapshot of effective tips that will aid you in gaining traffic to your blog and/or website.
Tips To Increase Traffic To Your Blog
1) SEO
Perhaps the most important and effective means of getting people onto your page is to focus on SEO. This stands for “search engine optimization” and is essentially the process of getting your blog to rank as highly in search engine results as possible.
If someone types in keywords into a search engine that match up well with the content on your blog, you want them to find your blog and use it as their source of entertainment or information first. For example, if your blog has recently reviewed a certain product and someone looks up reviews of that product, you want your blog to be the first link they see and click on. Using an SEO specialist can help you to achieve this!
2) Sharing On Social Media
Many people link their blogs to their social media feeds. Sharing your blog in your bio link and posting links to your latest blog posts can help to secure more visitors than you might have gained otherwise.
Related: 7 Hacks to Get More Followers on Instagram
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3) Post Regularly and Consistently
Keeping a regular schedule for content is a good way to keep people coming back. If a reader knows you post every day at 5, they’re likely to check in every day at 5 or later. If you post all over the place, as and when you please, they won’t know when to look for new content and may get bored or frustrated and stop checking back.
These simple suggestions really can make all the difference to your blog’s traffic and financial success. So, implement them as soon as possible to start reaping the rewards!
Also, I will be continuously updating this for you guys. Stay tuned!