Creating The Perfect Productive Team

Written By: Je’Ana C.

Productivity is often seen as one of the most important areas of any business, in order to achieve the highest level of productivity you need to look at your employees. These are the key to you reaching your perfect level of production and this is too often a missed opportunity. Business owners are very quick to focus on targets, missed figures, and productivity not being where it should be and fail to realize that their focus should be on looking after the people who are there to achieve the targets.

If your productivity isn’t where it should be then you should start by looking at your employees, not as a blame game but as an opportunity to ensure they are well looked after and happy. Some of the things you should think about include: 

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Setting Realistic Goals And Targets 

It’s always a good idea to have realistic goals and targets in place. These shouldn’t be what you ‘need’ they should be what can be achieved. Too often business owners set the business targets as what they want rather than taking into consideration the resources they have to hand. When setting your targets it’s important to speak to your staff, think about your level of staffing, take into consideration holidays and sickness and also think about the hours they work. 

The Tools For The Job

Have a good look at the tools you are currently providing for your staff. Are they adequate for the tasks at hand or could they be improved? Making sure your employees have all the tools and equipment that they need to complete their work quickly and to a good standard is imperative when trying to be productive. Have a look at things like and essential tools and/or equipment needed such as desks, printers and production equipment. Often you will find that the best people to speak to about the tools that are needed are the people who are completing the work. Ask your employees for some feedback and see if they have any ideas for what might make the production go up. 

Creating The Perfect Productive Team-Shades of Tatiana

Employ Well-being 

Happy employees are productive employees, this means that you should always make sure you are looking after your staff. You need to provide them with a clean and safe working environment and listen to their needs and wants. You should also make sure you focus on their well-being and put steps in place so that they feel like your work-space is a pleasant, stress-free environment where they can approach managers and supervisors without feeling as though they are going to be judged. It’s a good idea to think about offering your employees things like healthcare support such as a free annual health check, mental health support and time off if they need it. Another great way to look after your employee’s well-being is to think about offering incentives and rewards for good work. Maybe you could put an incentive scheme into place where they could earn extra time off, bonuses, rewards, vouchers, and commuting benefits. 

These are just three areas that could help you create the perfect productive team, Do you have any other ideas? Please share your ideas in the comments below. 

Creating The Perfect Productive Team - Shades of Tatiana