The Road to Relaxation: Learning To Calm Down
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In these isolating times, it is more challenging than ever to unwind. When we feel stressed, it's not just about the physical sensations that we feel or the tension that seems to color our lives, but it's about the long-term effect that we need to be aware of. Stress is one of those long-term pandemics that we need to address. It's not just about the fact that we feel tense at the moment, but they can result in weight gain, digestion issues, and hormonal imbalances, to name but a few. Let's show you some simple tools so you can start on the road to relaxation.
Source: PEXELS
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A Good Bedtime Routine
A good bedtime routine is not just for children. But if you remember when you were a child, certain things almost signaled it was time to relax. And you can do some things this evening to unwind from your stressful day. You need to look at a bedtime routine as the opportunity to separate your stress from your life. It allows you to recenter yourself before you get into bed. Everybody will have their own ideas, but here are a few simple things to try:
Gentle stretching and deep breaths.
Putting some essential oils on your wrists and feet (lavender is a great scent for relaxing).
Burn some incense (you can quickly get an incense holder and set of sticks cheaply).
Or simply, you can do some reading. Reading is one of those great things to take you away from the world. As long as it isn't something that revs you up, it can be the perfect opportunity to unwind. That's not to say it has to be something boring. You can read something inspiring to you, but it's got to straddle the balance.
Detox From Social Media
Social media is one of those rabbit holes that is hard to get out of. This is especially true when you are trying to make a conscientious effort to unwind. Social media is one of those things that, as soon as you put something out into the world, it starts to whizz around your brain. You will check so often if there are any notifications. And the trick to detoxifying from social media is about gradually reducing your time on there.
There are many apps now that can show you how long you've been on social media during the day. But the fact is, even if you don't use social media for work, the more you use it, the more it feels like work to have to comment on things, to argue your point, and it becomes a massive trigger for stress. In addition to this, the fact that you scroll through social media looking at how great other people's lives are compared to you is just not healthy. You need to look at how it's affecting you daily.
Play and Create
The older we get, the more serious we may feel we need to be. Creating is one of those practices that makes a massive difference in your stress levels. Whatever it is you are creating, it allows you to vent and to let your emotions out. It's incredibly cathartic. And this goes hand in hand with playing. Playing is so important for relaxation. It gives you the subtle reminder of doing something purely for the fun of it.
We can spend a lot of time thinking that we've got to do things with a purpose. However, this is not the case. The more opportunity you have to play and create, doing new things every time, gives you the chance to let yourself off the hook and feel present. Being silly is a beautiful way to get rid of any tension in yourself. Allow yourself the luxury of being goofy!
Schedule in Self-Care
Self-care appears to be one of those buzzwords in the modern world. But self-care is so important. It isn't a one-size-fits-all package. It's about understanding what is beneficial to you and then building it into your life. You don't have to do yoga or meditation. It could be as simple as going for a walk and going to bed early. And building self-care into your daily routine will give you more structure in your life, but more importantly, it will help you relax. Think of it as an anchor when you are out at sea. Having the opportunity to conduct a routine where you are focused on yourself and looking after yourself gives you the ability to navigate a difficult day.
Do Nothing
Not doing anything might be the hardest thing for you to do. There's always something to do, and seemingly not enough time to do it in. But it's incredibly freeing to block time in your schedule to do nothing. If you've got something going on every single day and night, taking the opportunity to do whatever you want for twenty minutes is very liberating.
Start Deep Breathing
If you're someone that doesn't like the idea of meditation, this can be a fantastic way to gain some of the benefits of meditation without actually doing it. Breathing is a fantastic thing that you can do anywhere. You can see so many different breathing exercises online, but one of the most effective out there is the Wim Hof technique. It is very similar to a pranayama breathing technique called tummo, where you start to control your autonomic nervous system.
If you can manage your stress and anxiety symptoms, you will naturally feel more relaxed in every area of your life. But the power of breathing is vastly underestimated, and if you need the littlest of respites during a stressful day, deep breathing can make a big difference.
If we incorporate little things into our lives that are for us and focus on the art of relaxation, it becomes a habit. It takes a matter of weeks to form a habit. And if you feel anxious about so many different things, one of these six things can be the perfect start.
My name is Je’Ana and I’m a photographer & blogger. I create content surrounding Business, Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty.
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