6 Effective Things To Do To Achieve Clearer Skin
Written By: Je’Ana C.
If you are striving towards clearer skin or want to up your skincare game. Then you are in the right place! There are tons of things to do that will help you achieve that flawless skin and they are so simple. I believe that it is helpful to be aware of these things because not only is it going to help you in the long run, but they are probably already things you do.
Do you want clear skin?
Keep reading to discover effective ways that will help you achieve clearer skin!
6 Effective Things to do To Achieve Clearer Skin
1) Wash your face before bed
This is one of the easiest things to add to your routine. A way to accomplish this is by using a cleansing towel to remove all the dirt and excess oil from your skin. You can also do this by using a cleanser. However, I prefer using cleansing clothes because it is easier and gentler on my skin.
2) Use a Cleaning Brush
According to WebMD, a cleaning brush is a great way to take off more dirt, bacteria, and makeup. It also provides a deep cleanse that leaves skin with a clearer complexion and greater exfoliation.
3) Don’t Skip Morning Wash
This is as important as the 1st tip because your face is still collecting dirt, oil, and bacteria. This is due to your pillow, which easily collects the oils from your hair.
4) Exfoliate
Exfoliating is an easy trick that is used to remove the blocking dirt from your pores and layers of dead skin. Most importantly it gives your skin a natural glow. There are a lot of tools and ingredients you can add to your skincare regime, such as lactic acids & alpha-hydroxy, to use to exfoliate.
5) Stop Touching Your Face
There are germs and bacteria on your hands, fingers, and under your nails, so it would not be a good idea to put them on your face. As I was growing up, this is something that my mother repeatedly said to me. I never fully understood it until I began to limit the amounts of times I touched my face throughout the day. I noticed that my blemishes began to fade.
6) Clean your Phone
There are so many bacteria on your phone. Some of us carry our phones around 24/7, so it tends to collect all those dirt and bacteria. If you are constantly getting pimples on your cheeks, then you should think about wiping your phone down with anti-bacterial wipes on a daily basis.
I hope you guys enjoyed these tips to reach your skincare goals. Comment below your favorite thing that you already do in your skincare routine!
My name is Je’Ana and I’m a photographer & blogger. I create content surrounding Business, Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty.
This includes blogging tips, daily inspirations, budget fashion for women, latest trends, beauty advice, and entrepreneurship!
I love to inspire and give helpful +meaningful content to my viewers!