An Easy Guide To Make Your Average Workday Super Productive

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Are you finding yourself working long hours and being dead tired? You may even find that sometimes you end up working days that are 15 hours or more. If this sounds familiar, no worries because we’ve all been in that position. However, the key is to make the most out of every hour you are putting in and be productive. The best way to do this is to build structure into your workday and prioritize your tasks. Not only can this increase productivity, but it can also reduce burnout!

Today, we share an easy guide to make your average workday super productive. If you can implement some of the tips, you will soon find that everything will come together nicely. Let’s take a look!



01. Live By Your Calendar

If it’s not on your calendar, it probably won’t happen. If you can make sure that all of your work activities are written down, this will help you complete them. It also gives you a good idea of how much time you have to get tasks done. Although it’s not essential for you to have a schedule for calling people or sending emails, you have to make sure that you are not wasting too much time on tasks like this. There are many apps out there that you can use to make your days as productive as they can be, so do not be afraid to use them if you can. It will help you to make the most out of your day overall!

02. Make Meetings Short

Attending meetings is quite possibly one of the biggest productivity killers. The solution will be to try and make them as short as possible - if you have control over this. You should never go over the 15-minute mark in a meeting. Simply make sure that every session has an agenda, followed by a 2-minute rule for people to speak. You then need to make sure that you have a person leading. Another tip is to not go over stuff that people have already been told about and keep the final overview nice and brief. If you can do this, you will soon find that things end up working in your favor regarding your productivity and that you also have more time as well.

03. Group Tasks Together

If you want to make sure that you maximize the amount of productivity you have during the day, you must try and group any similar tasks. This will help you finish them faster and enable you to have more room in your schedule. Mindless tasks that do not take a lot of brainpower can be grouped, so you can take them when you are running low on mental energy. It’s also crucial that you handle more arduous tasks when feeling productive. If you can follow this rule, you can be sure to benefit!


04. Set Your Priorities

You may find that you have a lot of issues that crop up throughout the day. Sometimes you may find that they end up interrupting your workflow as well. If you want to do something about this, you need to make sure that you are setting priorities. If something is a high priority on your list, then the other things can wait, so make sure you keep this in mind. It will help you stop losing vast blocks of time in the day for tasks that do not require your attention.

Setting your priorities will also help you enact the kind of change you wish to see, be that raising issues in the workplace or innovating your workflow or production processes to make them easier to deal with. This could involve using a notes-taking program or better equipment from day to day, such as better tattoo gloves, a calendar app, or a webcam for remote calls.

05. Plan and Review

It is always a good idea for you to plan things as soon as possible. Take the time to review the goals you have set and make sure that you go over your calendar. If you can do this, you will soon find that it is easier to plan your intentions for the rest of the day. Create your top things to do on that day, and then do them. You may even find that you stop yourself from getting bogged down with one task too much as well, and this can work in your favor. 

Another reason it’s so crucial to plan & review is because something spontaneous can occur. For example, you can end up having an issue with your computer because it won’t turn on, then you will need to review your to-do list and make changes according to your latest disaster. If you can do this, you will still be productive, even in the face of disaster. Read more about how to fix a computer that won’t turn on.

06. Tackle Difficult Tasks First

There are many ways in which you can go about your day-to-day activities. Our best tip is to plan your tasks accordingly by difficulty. With this strategy, you will soon find that you have a higher chance of getting things done. Many people find that they are much more energetic when they start work, and as the day goes on, they become mentally drained.

07. Schedule Breaks

Do you load up your schedule with tons of tasks to complete? This is great, but you may find it challenging to get things done if you do not give yourself enough breaks at the end of the day. If you don’t, you may find that you end up suffering from burnout and that your mental energy is just too depleted to do the rest of your business-related tasks efficiently.

8. Get Inspired

Well, many factors play a part in helping you make your work day as productive as possible, and one of the biggest is to ensure you get inspiration from as many sources as possible. You need to keep many different options in mind here, and finding inspirational people and sources to draw from can play a big role in this. Consider professionals like Mikhail Solodovnikov, and the role they have played in their subsequent industries. 

Drawing from individuals who embody motivation and inspiration is vital for crafting an exceptionally productive workday. Striving to harness this source effectively is crucial. With an abundance of ideas and key elements, you can elevate your life and career, and this is one of the best things you need to keep in mind.

We hope you follow this guide to have a super productive workday. You may find that you can get more done in the day overall, so why not see what changes you can make for yourself today?

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