The Ultimate Guide To Clear Clutter from your Home Once and For All
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Are you ready to declutter your home once and for all? Decluttering your home is a big job, but there is no doubt that clearing out clutter is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It can help you reduce stress levels and anxiety, boost productivity and creativity, and improve your overall quality of life.
But when it comes to actually getting rid of all those items in your cluttered home, many people find themselves stumped. They feel overwhelmed by the daunting task and the sheer number of things they need to get rid of, which makes it difficult to know where to start.
In order to help you get started on your decluttering journey, we've put together a comprehensive guide with all the tips, tricks, and tools you need to get started. From deciding what to keep and what should go, to actually getting rid of things — we've got everything covered!
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Simple Steps To Get Rid of Household Clutter
01) Set Up Your Workspace
Before you get started, set up a workspace where you can organize each item into piles. The best way to do this is by using a large table or floor space that isn't too cluttered. If you don't have any space like that in your home, consider renting a storage unit or garage for the duration of the process — it'll make things much easier! We recommend using clear plastic bins or storage containers to store seasonal supplies, extra office supplies, and some sentimental items for less clutter.
02) Start with a Small Area
Get rid of excess stuff or anything that you don't use on a daily basis, and also make sure that you organize the things you use. You also must ensure that you are committed to keeping things this way. As you move forward, notice the satisfaction you feel every time you open a clear drawer. This will help you to empower yourself for the future, and it will also keep you motivated as well. If you want to help yourself to clear your bigger items out, then why not look into SMARTBOX Solutions, Inc.? When you do, you will soon find that you can get rid of your bulky items for the time being while giving yourself a chance to figure out if you like the room without them or not. Little things like this can really work in your favor, so be mindful of that.
03) Set a Timer When Getting a Space Clutter-Free
Clear clutter in a single area for ten minutes or so. When the timer goes off, you can safely say that you are done. You won't have to feel guilty about this either. If you feel like carrying on, then set your timer yet again. Just remind yourself that every time the timer does go off, you can stop guilt-free and also stop feeling bad about yourself. Take the time to look at what you have achieved and how much you can get done in 10 minutes too. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you feel a wave of accomplishment.
04) Get Rid of All Unwanted Items
The first step in any decluttering project is to go through every single room in your entire house (and even the garage) and get rid of everything that's not essential. You may be surprised by how much stuff you can find that you don't actually need or use. If there's something in your home that you haven't used in the last year, like unopened mail or junk mail, it's likely taking up space and no longer has any value for you.
Here are some specific places that are often overlooked but can quickly build up too much clutter:
Desk drawers
Junk drawer
Laundry basket
Laundry room
Hall closet
Home office
Guest room
Work space
Kitchen table
Kitchen counter
Coffee tables
05) Try the Trash Bag Method
If you can, do a sweep of your home with a large garbage bag. You then need to see how fast you can fill up the bag. You can decide where the bag will go, whether in the bin, donation box, or local recycling plant. You can also set a timer to see how fast you can fill a bag. If you can do this, make sure that you time it right so that the trash goes out before emptying your bins. That way, you won't be tempted to change your mind and have it lying around.
06) Try The Marie Kondo Method
You may hear from people who go on rampages when it comes to clearing clutter. Although this is great, most people end up burning themselves out. This is the last thing you need, but if you follow the Marie Kondo method, then this can work in your favor. You can also make sure that you end up making true progress.
One of the easiest ways to clear the clutter from your home is by following the Marie Kondo method. This is an effortless way of clearing clutter from your home, and it can be done in just a few steps. You must ensure that you have all your items sorted out in front of you. These items should be grouped according to their importance or frequency of use. Once this is done, you need to look at each item and ask yourself if it brings joy or not. If it doesn't, then it needs to go away.
The Marie Kondo method isn't just about getting rid of things; it's also about keeping things that bring you happiness and peace of mind. The idea behind this method is only to keep things that spark joy and avoid those that don't bring any pleasure or satisfaction into your life. This way, you will be able to live a more fulfilling life with less stuff around you!
07) Store Important Documents In One Place
It's a good idea to store important documents in a safe place, such as passports, birth certificates, and marriage certificates. If you have children or pets, it's also important to have copies of their medical records on hand.
Documents you should keep include:
Birth certificate
Marriage certificate
Passports (if you travel regularly)
Driving license
Bank statements for the past five years (or more if you're self-employed)
More Tips To Keep Your Whole House Tidy By The End of The Day
Have an action plan. When you're ready to start, make sure you have a decluttering strategy for sorting through clutter. Create categories for items that need to be discarded, donated, or sold in a yard sale. This will help you get rid of things faster and more efficiently.
Set goals for each room. Decide what specific areas of the house need attention first, then set goals for each room based on what items you want to get rid of first. If you start too big, it can be overwhelming — and quitting halfway through doesn't count as "once and for all."
Set aside time each day or week to tackle an area of the house. The key is to create a habit so that decluttering becomes part of your daily routine rather than something you do only when motivated by an event or holiday coming up soon.
We hope this guide will help you eliminate to achieve a clutter-free home, so you can take active steps to try and make your entire home more presentable and clearer for the future.
Have you ever wondered how to make your home a cleaner, safer place to live? While keeping your home in top shape may seem overwhelming, a few smart habits can make a big difference. From decluttering to maintaining cleanliness, these simple yet effective steps will help you create a space that feels fresh, organized, and safe.